Does it hurt when the knurling on the barbell hurt your shins? Also, why is it so annoying when your hands scrape your thighs on the lockout, feels awkward.
Who here does sumo deadlifts? I pull sumo. The scraping on my shins isn't that bad, most of the time I wear long trousers so it doesn't affect me at all, but when I wear shorts I do sometimes get a red mark down my shin but I just try to make sure I wear slightly longer socks for the day. My hand placement used to be a little inside the knurling (on the smooth part) and had no issues with it scraping my thighs when locking out, it's actually the reason I grip there. But recently I've switched from using straps to chalk and I have to grip on the knurling now. It feels a little uncomfortable but since when was deadlifting comfortable.
Who here does sumo deadlifts? Yeah i tried sumo today for fun, did 1 plate. I have 2-3 fingers that is not on knurling. But it just feels weird when my hands scrape my thighs on the lockout.
Who here does sumo deadlifts? How wide is your stance? I point my toes out a lot and they are probably around 3-4 inches away from the plates, if you pull with a fairly narrow sumo you might want to try a wider stance. May depend on your hip mobility though.
Who here does sumo deadlifts? Fairly wide, i think i'm just being beta, and it will just take time to get used to. Other than that sumos feel great, i'll try 2 plates next time and see how that feels.
Who here does sumo deadlifts? Doesn't hurt my shins, and what do you mean by hands scraping thighs?
Who here does sumo deadlifts? You see the split second before you lock out? That top part is where i scrape my hands->thighs, not a big problem just annoying. It doesn't seem to happen to you that much because your grip is inside shoulder width.