Will A Person Who Works Out Look Bigger Than A Person Who Doesnt At Same Weight Well I suppose not necessarily. People of the same weight can look very different due to the weight of their frame and it depends on the amount of fat and muscle each person has. I suppose in theory the person who lifts should have a higher proportion of muscle to fat than the person who doesn't, but doesn't always work that way. Plus height is a huge factor too.
Will A Person Who Works Out Look Bigger Than A Person Who Doesnt At Same Weight Well you could have a 6.5ft 20st guy who lifts and a 5.11ft guy at 20st who doesn't they won't look the same. But same height/weight the lifter would have more muscle and maybe wider shoulders. Good question by the way op.
Will A Person Who Works Out Look Bigger Than A Person Who Doesnt At Same Weight wat it depends on bodymass % u can have 25% and be 180 lb or 10% at 180lbs obviously the one with more percentage looks "bigger"
Will A Person Who Works Out Look Bigger Than A Person Who Doesnt At Same Weight not at your weight/height...
Will A Person Who Works Out Look Bigger Than A Person Who Doesnt At Same Weight No, muscle weights more than fat and muscle is compact and dense; so some one that is 200lbs at 10% BF will look (and actually be smaller) than some one else at 200lbs and 35% BF. Edit: This would be true for people with similar frames. There are some people that put the majority of their fat in their stomach and will have narrow sholders so they can't be compared to a body builder with wide shoulders at the same weight.
Will A Person Who Works Out Look Bigger Than A Person Who Doesnt At Same Weight Well he will look more msucular/ his muscles will be bigger. Example I weigh 144 pounds I have much bigger legs and arms than my friend who weighs 150, but he has a gut. Hence the difference to put it into the simplest terms possible, hoped this helped