Would i lose strength cutting at a 250 calorie deficit? REPS for good responses i wish this were the case for me, but this no longer happens. bench is always the first to stall and then the other lifts. i mean, i still retain most my strength but not the same volume capacity. i'm certainly making progress every bulk/cut, but strength won't keep going up for me when cutting.
Would i lose strength cutting at a 250 calorie deficit? REPS for good responses I think the 6 week cycle is my best approach 2 weeks 500 deficit 4 weeks maintenance rinse repeat. Ill lose 18 pounds in a year AND make gains on my bench press. Muscle gains will probably be 6-7 pounds so id have to lose more weight but thats not much to lose.
Would i lose strength cutting at a 250 calorie deficit? REPS for good responses Since you are trying to make weight for an actual competition I will amend my previous response and say take all the time you have. Reps for trying to do something awesome!
Would i lose strength cutting at a 250 calorie deficit? REPS for good responses Exactly what Helms says he's noticed in the video I posted. As long as you make overall progress, it's cool then
Would i lose strength cutting at a 250 calorie deficit? REPS for good responses word. i will go back and watch that vid. i don't watch many vids on youtube since there are so many bro scientists out there with their own weekly vid updates and such, kinda hard to know which ones are backed by LEGIT SOUND evidence and which are just a mixed of fancy words to make them SOUND smart.
Would i lose strength cutting at a 250 calorie deficit? REPS for good responses Eric is one of the good guys. He's done a vid ^ with Alan Aragon as well. Alan knows he's legit.
I lost that much in 2 months of diet and exercise. I ate less, cutting around 750 calories daily, while exercising twice a day. I don't think it has affected my strength though, as I did it gradually, and I still ate regularly, only fewer calories and lesser portions. I also cut snacking, as well as drinking sodas. Overall I feel great, I just drink water or juice whenever I start to feel hungry, and it goes away. Sweating after a work out feels incredible, and I get a rewarding feeling when I see in the weighing scale that I lost weight again. Good luck!