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  • All You Need to Know About Knee Pain Treatment

    How To Prevent Knee Injuries When Working Out

    The common condition of knee pain can happen to the body structures that comprises of the knee joint and the kneecap. The condition is common with rigorous exercise, mu…

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    Christmas/New Year competition, personalised training programme and nutrition plan

    Real Muscle Forum Competition

    We are pleased to announce details of our Christmas/New Year competition in conjunction with Tom at Gymtoto. As we approach the New Year we will see the traditional mov…

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    Planning for Injury Rehabilitation with a Focus on Strength Training

    Knee injuries

    Coming back from an injury can be a uniquely difficult experience. You probably will at some point in your life go through the process of recovery for some kind of injury…

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    What is physiotherapy treatment and what are the most common types?

    How To Prevent Knee Injuries When Working Out

    You have often heard people going to physiotherapists for general toning up of their bodies. The term physiotherapy treatment appears cool to you, but you have no ide…

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    Planning for and Getting Back to Your Fitness Routine Post Holidays

    Its tough getting back to full fitness

    The holidays can be a hard time of the year for maintaining your regular workout schedule. Whether you are traveling or staying local, chances are you are dedicating mo…

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    Is it safe to lift weights every day?

    Six weightlifting myths

    For many people lifting weights on a regular basis can become quite addictive let alone have a significant impact upon their overall fitness and muscle tone. The chemi…

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    Is it safe to drink caffeine before a workout?

    Five simple but effective strength training strategies to garner maximum results

    There are many myths, rumours and untruths which surround caffeine and especially the impact it can have on those working out. While there is no doubt that it is a stimul…

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    5 ways to burn fat

    Burn fat

    For many people looking to improve their exercise regime their main focus in the early days is to burn fat and replace this with muscle. In theory this is quite easy but th…

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    The Fat Burn Zone – fact or fiction?

    Using your metabolism to help weight loss

    Those who undertake exercise regimes will no doubt have heard of the Fat Burn Zone which has been discussed in great detail over the years. Some experts swear blind that …

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    Nutrients & Sports Injuries

    How To Prevent Knee Injuries When Working Out

    As we push ourselves to lift more and take on more complex workouts, sports injuries become a very real risk — even with the best technique. Nobody likes time off trainin…

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