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  • Selection: Exercises

    We are currently building a database of exercises for different muscles and will be continually adding new exercises. The list of muscles covered includes Pectoralis Major, Biceps, Abdominals, Abductors, Sartorius, Trapezius, Deltoid, Latissimus Dorsi, Serratus Anterior, External Oblique, Brachioradialis, Finger Extensors, Finger Flexors, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Gastrocnemius, Tibialis Anterior, Soleus, Infraspinatus, Teres Major, Triceps, Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Maximus.

    Those muscles with exercises added will have a link to the relevant section and in time they will all be linked.

    Standing hip circles


    Standing hips circle exercises are perfect for stretching out the abductor muscles and core muscles. In theory they are very simple but to get the most out of a standing …

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    Hip circles


    One of the best and easiest ways to exercise your abductor muscles is to repeat a number of hip circles. The process is very simple – place your hands and knees on th…

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    Forearm Plank


    While some people see planking as some kind of exercise craze, it can have a major impact upon your core strength and in particular your abdominal muscles. As well as exe…

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    Sustained abdominal muscle hold, Ab Crunch


    For many people it is the abdominal muscles which are of most concern as they look to tone their stomach and reduce their “belly fat”. There are a number of very simple exe…

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    Incline dumbbell press

    Pectoralis Major

    There are many different ways to exercise the Pectoralis Major muscle and one of the more popular and more effective is the incline dumbbell press. As the angle at which …

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    Barbell curls


    Barbell curls are an excellent exercise for those looking to focus on their biceps. Sometimes referred to as barbell biceps curls, this exercise effectively “overlo…

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    8 Best Gymnastic Strength Exercises for Physique Training

    8 Best Gymnastic Strength Exercises for Physique Training

    If you’ve got an eye for muscle and physique, you must have noticed Olympic gymnasts. They’re some of the most athletic, jacked athletes at the games and they’re renown…

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    The most common injuries for those lifting weights

    The most common injuries for those lifting weights

    When you bear in mind the excessive stress that lifting weights places on all areas of your body, there is to a certain degree acceptable “pain” (not quite the no pain no g…

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    Five simple but effective strength training strategies to garner maximum results

    Strength training strategies

    Are you failing to get the strength training results you are looking for? If so, you could be trying too hard and it’s time to go ‘back to basics’. From keeping a training l…

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    Intense Training: Four training exercises to lose body fat

    Focus on fitness not losing weight

    For many people the initial goal is to reduce their body fat with particular emphasis on belly fat. There are some exercises which will improve your fitness in the long t…

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