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  • Selection: Exercises

    We are currently building a database of exercises for different muscles and will be continually adding new exercises. The list of muscles covered includes Pectoralis Major, Biceps, Abdominals, Abductors, Sartorius, Trapezius, Deltoid, Latissimus Dorsi, Serratus Anterior, External Oblique, Brachioradialis, Finger Extensors, Finger Flexors, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Gastrocnemius, Tibialis Anterior, Soleus, Infraspinatus, Teres Major, Triceps, Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Maximus.

    Those muscles with exercises added will have a link to the relevant section and in time they will all be linked.

    Why do I need to exercise?

    The most common injuries for those lifting weights

    We all know we have to exercise, we all know exercise is good for us but why to we need to exercise? What does exercise do for our body, mind and soul? Yes, these subjects may …

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    Steps to avoid weight gain in the winter

    Using your metabolism to help weight loss

    As the days get colder and the evenings darker, it is going to become increasingly tempting to start comfort eating while curling up on the sofa to help stave off those wi…

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    Common Risk Factors for Knee Pain When Weightlifting

    How To Prevent Knee Injuries When Working Out

    Weightlifting is a great way to get your body into shape, though you will push it to the limits in order to do so. When you lift weights, you put intense pressure on certain …

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    4 Things That Are Destroying Your Workout Performance and Your Health

    4 Things That Are Destroying Your Workout Performance and Your Health

    You might be hitting the gym five times a week, sweating a lot, and constantly having sore muscles but still not seeing any progress with your workout performance. Even …

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    Corrective exercise advice for weightlifters to help overcome injury

    As a weightlifter, you expose yourself to the risk of becoming injured, no matter how experienced you are at weightlifting and regardless of your level of fitness. If y…

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    Workout Program for Mass Gain

    There are a lot of Workout Programs for those that want to gain more Muscle Mass. Some of them are split routines (for example: Monday – Chest and Triceps, Tuesday – Back a…

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    Getting Big Guns

    Muscle growth

    Anchorman was a fun film, in the original the lead characters’ obsession with ‘big guns,’ is something I’ve encountered a great deal as a personal trainer. The fabulou…

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    How to gain muscle mass

    Exercise, mental strength and focus

    The vast majority of those who start their fitness, weightlifting or bodybuilding program are looking to improve their overall health as well as tone-up their bodies…

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    Why Your Workouts Shouldn’t Leave You Trashed

    I love a tough workout. I love that feeling of exhaustion after pushing myself hard in spin, or finishing the last interval of a sprint workout knowing I could not have po…

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    Why are rest days so important after exercise?

    Exercise, mental strength and focus

    Many people you speak to who exercise on a regular basis will wax lyrical about rest days and how important they are. Those who are relatively new to exercise and perhaps …

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