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  • Selection: Exercises

    We are currently building a database of exercises for different muscles and will be continually adding new exercises. The list of muscles covered includes Pectoralis Major, Biceps, Abdominals, Abductors, Sartorius, Trapezius, Deltoid, Latissimus Dorsi, Serratus Anterior, External Oblique, Brachioradialis, Finger Extensors, Finger Flexors, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Gastrocnemius, Tibialis Anterior, Soleus, Infraspinatus, Teres Major, Triceps, Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Maximus.

    Those muscles with exercises added will have a link to the relevant section and in time they will all be linked.

    Defeating Muscle Loss

    It’s no secret that cardio workouts burn fat, but did you know they burn just as much muscle? When your body ignites the cardiovascular system, the natural outcome is th…

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    6 Awesome stretches to help you sleep at night

    Change your exercise habits

    Stretching is beneficial to your overall health. It is especially good for your sleep. A nightly stretching routine can help you sleep better. Besides helping you sle…

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    Going The Distance

    It’s a pleasure to spend time with you guys and explain how my approach to personal training is helping more people get active.

    I think it’s important for m…

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    4 Exercises for Legs you can’t miss

    Five simple but effective strength training strategies to garner maximum results

    When it comes to leg training it’s pretty straightforward. We can say it’s reasonably simple, but not easy by any means. The hardest compound movements will give you th…

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    How much cardio you must do as a bodybuilder?

    Strength training strategies

    Building muscle mass (hopefully via a structured workout plan for muscle building) is always a priority, but you shouldn’t discard cardio if you want to be lean and, wh…

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    Training chest with Arnold Schwarzenegger


    Do you know any man who goes in the gym and does not do any bench presses? Probably not. While bench presses are amazing for building overall chest muscle mass, there are f…

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    Best lateral tricep head exercises

    In this article we are looking at the best lateral tricep head exercises, following on from previous articles about “3 Triceps Exercises for explosive growth&…

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    Why you should improve your forearms

    Many bodybuilders neglect forearm training and later they suffer, because their grip is weak and they have to use straps for heavy exercises and they can’t lift …

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    How to force your calves into growth?

    Calves are definitely the most unpopular muscle group. When did you see someone with massive, ripped calves last time? Probably long time ago. And that’s not surprisi…

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    Several tricks to overcome plateaus.

    Plateaus are common in bodybuilding and you will face one sooner or later (if you haven’t yet). But you shouldn’t worry, there are always few different ways to deal with …

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