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  • Selection: Exercises

    We are currently building a database of exercises for different muscles and will be continually adding new exercises. The list of muscles covered includes Pectoralis Major, Biceps, Abdominals, Abductors, Sartorius, Trapezius, Deltoid, Latissimus Dorsi, Serratus Anterior, External Oblique, Brachioradialis, Finger Extensors, Finger Flexors, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Gastrocnemius, Tibialis Anterior, Soleus, Infraspinatus, Teres Major, Triceps, Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Maximus.

    Those muscles with exercises added will have a link to the relevant section and in time they will all be linked.

    3 Triceps Exercises for explosive growth

    There are more than 70 triceps exercises out there (according to bodybuilding.com), if we count every single variation, but which ones make your triceps grow like cra…

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    Simple routines for a wider and thicker back.

    Our back muscles take up to 30% of total muscle mass and your entire body. It’s the second source of power and mass just after leg muscles. So it would be foolish to ignore b…

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    How to deal with overtraining effectively.

    Overtraining is the part of the bodybuilding and even if you do everything right you will have to deal with it sooner or later. It’s when you exhausted and crushed both ph…

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    How To Get Wider Shoulders

    Shoulder injuries

    This article is submitted through our Guest post feature, please encourage more guest posts by commenting , liking and sharing where possible…

    Shoulder width …

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    A Beginners Guide To Exercise: Five Great Ways To Help You Get Started

    Its tough getting back to full fitness

    Are you considering starting a fitness regime? Have you noticed the bathroom scales creeping up? Are those jeans getting tighter? Do you think your diet, lack of exerc…

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    Bodybuilding Routines – Five Great Reasons to Improve your Workout

    The ultimate tips on how to boost your brain health

    Your days of being a newbie are long gone. You have been paying your direct debits for many a year now. However, things can start to get, well, a bit boring. This is because …

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    Arnold Schwarzenegger’s biceps training routine


    This article is submitted through our Guest post feature, please encourage more guest posts by commenting , liking and sharing where possible…

    Anyone who is ev…

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    Gym Membership: Contracts, Direct Debits And Other Things You Should Know Before Joining A Gym

    Gym memberships are a great way to loose weight, build muscle and de-stress. However, in recent year’s gym contracts have hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons wh…

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    Planning Your Workout: How To Create A Planning Journal

    You need to plan ahead in life. That is why we plan for our retirement, our life goals and in our daily lives. We plan our workloads, our eating habits and our social lives. …

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    Stress And Exercise: What You Need To Know

    Stress is a part of the human condition. We constantly feel stress as it is a natural response to pressure. We might have pressures in our home life, relationships, work …

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