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  • Selection: Exercises

    We are currently building a database of exercises for different muscles and will be continually adding new exercises. The list of muscles covered includes Pectoralis Major, Biceps, Abdominals, Abductors, Sartorius, Trapezius, Deltoid, Latissimus Dorsi, Serratus Anterior, External Oblique, Brachioradialis, Finger Extensors, Finger Flexors, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Gastrocnemius, Tibialis Anterior, Soleus, Infraspinatus, Teres Major, Triceps, Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Maximus.

    Those muscles with exercises added will have a link to the relevant section and in time they will all be linked.

    Off-road Running: Five Amazing Ways To Improve Your Fitness

    Off-Road running or Trail Running is very different to running on a road or a treadmill. It is all about variance, terrain and elevation. Off-road running can help by de…

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    Repetition: Your Biggest Workout Enemy

    Human beings are predominantly psychological creatures of habit. We learn through routine. Just think back to how you learned the alphabet, the multiplication tabl…

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    To Gym Or Not To Gym?…That Is The Question

    Do you have to go to the gym to become a bodybuilder? Is there a greater drive or mental focus if one works out at home, in the great outdoors or in a gym? This article will loo…

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    The Gym Ball: Six Effective Ways to Lose Weight

    The eponymous gym ball or Swiss ball as our European brethren call them is an often-ridiculed piece of gym equipment that has become incredibly undervalued in today’s …

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    6 Great Ways to Improve Your Running Style

    A poor or incorrect running style or technique can result in unnecessary injury and even risks of long-term health damage. There are a great many part-time or recreati…

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    Hydration and Exercise – Debunking the myths

    Keeping yourself hydrated is the single most important element of a good workout regime. A person can lose up to a litre of fluid during an hour’s exercising.  This, of c…

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    Hiking, Rambling and Mountaineering: A Great way to View Weight Loss

    In the UK, we are surrounded by countryside. However, with 80.9% of us living in cities and towns (according to the 2011 Census) we might not travel much outside our subu…

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    5 Of The Best Ways To Exercise Outside The Gym

    You don’t need to pay a small fortune every month to Virgin’s Richard Branson or any of the Dragon’s Den folk to keep fit. You don’t even need to wear Lycra shorts or sweat b…

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    4 Reasons You Aren’t Gaining Weight

    Building muscle is a difficult task and if you’re not 100% dedicated, you’re going to find that the results won’t come. You need to make sure that yo…

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    6 Ways To Build Muscle Without Joining A Gym

    If you’ve ever been a gym member, you’ll know just how expensive it is. Not only do most gyms charge a pretty high monthly membership price, but they also ch…

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