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  • Need To Replace Your Running Shoes?


    Running is one of the most accessible workouts going. Anyone can do it, anytime, at any speed, of any ability. Very little equipment is needed for your running journey, and the races and events available is plentiful. However, it is vital we ensure we have the correct footwear for our running.

    The very base of your running workout, the part of your journey which affects the impact, your posture, pressure on joints and comfort begins with your footwear. Once you find a good, comfortable, supportive pair of running shoes, it can be easy to forget that we are racking up the miles in this vital piece of running equipment, and wear them for many more miles than we should be. However, knowing when to change your running shoes is vital for your health and your performance.

    Need To Replace Your Running Shoes?


    As a general rule of thumb, running shoes should be changed every 300-500 miles. Free apps such as Strava, MapMyRun and Runkeeper, amongst others, are a great way of keeping track of how many miles are being covered. Think, if you’re running five times per week, three miles or more, you are going to be changing your running shoes at least twice per year.


    Feeling comfortable when you run is half the battle. You need to ensure that your running shoes are the perfect fit. If you wear your shoes for too long, or too many miles, then your trainers are likely to stretch and become less supportive than what they should be. Due to this being a very gradual process, it can be easy to not notice the decline of your sports footwear. However, this is putting you at risk of a multitude of injuries, such as plantar fasciitis, achilles tendinitis, back pain, neck pain and more.


    Be aware of your running gait. If as a runner, you pronate or supinate, then chances are you have bought trainers to support this. If you run long distances, 10k or more, at once, the chances are your gait gets worse as the miles progress. This will lead to your trainers being worn down quicker than if you are doing more frequent, shorter runs. Simply by looking at your running shoes, you should be able to see if your shoes have begun to wear down. If they have lost their shape or look worn down, then you are overdue a new pair as these shoes are no longer offering you the support you require.

    New Running Shoes

    In an ideal world, you would buy a new pair of running shoes before your old pair wear out. This then means that you can wear the new pair in on your shorter runs, without discomfort. Once your new pair is worn in and your old pair have worn out, it’s time to treat yourself again. Continue with this rotation and you will always have a comfortable pair, or pairs of running shoes.


    Having the correct trainers for your workout helps to strengthen joints and muscles without putting the pressure on them. You ensure your posture is correct, and help to look after your knees and hips, ankles and back. Running is great for your fitness, but only when you look after yourself. So spend the time and money required to have what you need for your comfort and safety.


    This article was provided by GymWear UK at www.gymwear.co.uk.