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    Going The Distance

    It’s a pleasure to spend time with you guys and explain how my approach to personal training is helping more people get active.

    I think it’s important for m…

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    The ONLY ONE Thing You Need to Know to Help You Gain Muscle (Except Training Effectively)

    Good grief, how come there are so many things a lifter needs to remember to be able to help him make reasonable gains in the weight room. This is especially true for guys wh…

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    Should You Really Be Drinking Protein Shakes

    What is a Protein Shake?
    To understand what a protein shake is made up of, and whether or not you should really be drinking it, we first have to look at where it comes from an…

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    Boost Your Appearance by Losing Weight with the Help of B12 Shots

    Are you shocked that you are becoming overweight and want to shed some extra fat? Do you want to get back to a proper shape and do away with the depression, which is connect…

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    Different Forms of Martial Arts

    From the early days of their invention to their dominance on big screens and their prevalence in the Ultimate Fighting Championships, it is evident that the popularit…

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    Whey Protein Shake Recipes: Qualities of the Best Whey Protein Powder

    There are many whey protein shake recipes that you can use to help you boost immune system and build muscle tone faster. However, some whey protein powders are made of po…

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    Proof That Negative Training WORKS

    This is Iron thumb. As you can see this is my first post here on this Blog. I write about bodybuilding on my original blog and today what we are going to discuss my favorite t…

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    Machines in bodybuilding. Are they any good?

    Exercise, mental strength and focus

    We hear a lot of controversy, whether machines are any good for building muscles or not. Some people prefer to stick with free weights only, others focus on machines. Bu…

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    What a complete newbie should do in the gym.

    If you are going in the gym for a first time, or you are on your first few weeks of training, there is something you need to know. If you want a truly great body you need to star…

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    Advice on eating fish as a bodybuilder

    Eating fish

    We all know how important Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are. We can’t survive without them and they have dozens of benefits. And of course fish is the best source for th…

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