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    3 Triceps Exercises for explosive growth

    There are more than 70 triceps exercises out there (according to bodybuilding.com), if we count every single variation, but which ones make your triceps grow like cra…

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    How much should you eat as a bodybuilder?

    Eating lots and lots of food is mandatory for determined bodybuilders. Because if don’t consume enough calories – you can’t grow. And if you have a caloric deficit, you …

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    Simple routines for a wider and thicker back.

    Our back muscles take up to 30% of total muscle mass and your entire body. It’s the second source of power and mass just after leg muscles. So it would be foolish to ignore b…

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    Supplements you should NOT take. Part 2.

    In the previous part – “Supplements you should NOT take. Part 1.”, we looked at the 2 of the most popular supplements on the bodybuilding market – glutamine and weight ga…

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    Supplements you should NOT take. Part1.

    We’ve been talking a lot about supplements, specifically, the ones you should take and the ones that are the best in their category (amino acids, protein) . But there ar…

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    Top 3 BCAA Powders

    As discussed in previous article (3 Most important supplements), BCAA’s are a great supplement for building muscle, preventing muscle breakdown and gaining that vi…

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    3 Most Important Supplements for a bodybuilder

    There are tons and tons of bodybuilding supplements on the market, and the overwhelming variety just gives more confusion to beginners and intermediates. Many peopl…

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    How to deal with overtraining effectively.

    Overtraining is the part of the bodybuilding and even if you do everything right you will have to deal with it sooner or later. It’s when you exhausted and crushed both ph…

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    How To Get Wider Shoulders

    Shoulder injuries

    This article is submitted through our Guest post feature, please encourage more guest posts by commenting , liking and sharing where possible…

    Shoulder width …

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    A Beginners Guide To Exercise: Five Great Ways To Help You Get Started

    Its tough getting back to full fitness

    Are you considering starting a fitness regime? Have you noticed the bathroom scales creeping up? Are those jeans getting tighter? Do you think your diet, lack of exerc…

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