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    The Truth about Diet Pills And Other Dietary Supplements

    We all know that there isn’t a magical pill that, once taken, will reduce your body fat and build muscle. It simply does not exist. The psychology behind such a product is …

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    Hiking, Rambling and Mountaineering: A Great way to View Weight Loss

    In the UK, we are surrounded by countryside. However, with 80.9% of us living in cities and towns (according to the 2011 Census) we might not travel much outside our subu…

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    5 Of The Best Ways To Exercise Outside The Gym

    You don’t need to pay a small fortune every month to Virgin’s Richard Branson or any of the Dragon’s Den folk to keep fit. You don’t even need to wear Lycra shorts or sweat b…

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    5 Common Bodybuilding Mistakes (and how to avoid them!)

    Burn fat

    You might know a seasoned bodybuilder or you’ve just finished re-watching a Schwarzenegger film and decided you want to be built like Conan. Either way, lets see if we c…

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    5 Surprising Weight Loss Tips And Tricks

    Healthy eating and exercise is the very spirit of a healthy lifestyle. A gym membership and a vigorous intake of fresh wholesome foods, which includes vitamins and min…

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    7 Of The Best Things To Eat When Gaining Muscle

    When it comes to gaining muscle, there are few things that you need to think about. Now, you’ve probably already figured out what one of these things is and that is …

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    5 Reasons Why Alcohol Might Be Hindering Your Muscle Building Progress

    Let’s face it, we all like a drink every now and again but if you’re looking to build muscle, it might be wise not to drink as much as you might like to. The trut…

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    7 Healthy Cooking Tips

    In order to ensure that you aren’t consuming too many calories, you need to think about not only what you’re cooking, but how you cook the food too. A lot of p…

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    4 Healthy Snacks For Gaining Muscle

    We all like to eat snacks throughout the day and whilst we’re constantly told that snacking is the reason we’re all overweight, this isn’t the case …

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    4 Reasons You Aren’t Gaining Weight

    Building muscle is a difficult task and if you’re not 100% dedicated, you’re going to find that the results won’t come. You need to make sure that yo…

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