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  • Top 5 Protein Powders For Best Muscle Gains

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    If you are serious about building lean muscle mass, protein shakes are a necessity.  First of all, consuming enough protein without any shakes is very difficult, because for optimal muscle growth you need at least 160-200 grams of protein daily (if your body weight is 80kg, as example). General rule of thumb is to consume 2 grams of protein per each kg of your body weight. 2.5 grams max. More than that and you’ll be getting fat. It all depends on your training intensity, frequency and routine.

    As you imagine consuming these amounts of protein is hard, without any supplementation. That’s where protein shakes come along. If you are still a beginner, start from 1 protein shake a day, after the workout (add some carbohydrates too, like bananas, apples). After few months you can increase the consumption to 2 a day.

    So let’s get back to the topic of the article. Of course, protein powders come in various tastes, they have different mixing properties, different prices, amounts and pretty much everything. If you are not a grizzled veteran it’s hard to choose a good protein supplement, simply because there are so many. This article will help you to save your time and money, by choosing the correct protein powder.


    whey gold standard

    This is the “father” of all protein powders. And it’s been ranked the best protein powder of the year (as well as the best supplement of the year) for many years in a row, on bodybuilding.com. There is a reason for that – it really is the best protein on the market. Taste is awesome, even with water, it mixes flawlessly, and the amount of fat and sugar per serving is almost non-existent (mainly because it is protein isolate). It also has a terrific enzyme blend to help with absorption, which helps people who cannot tolerate lactose (like me). All in all, it’s the purest protein supplement and the best of them all.

    Check Price: Whey Gold Standard Optimum Nutrition

    The only problem – it’s very expensive. If your budget is limited, you might want to get something from the list below.

    2) Gaspari Myofusion (Probiotic Series)

    Gaspari Nutrition MyoFusion Probiotic

    This is a reasonably new protein powder from Gaspari Nutrition. And it’s gaining a lot of popularity in the masses. It’s arguably the best tasting protein on our list (some prefer MHP Probolic-SR though), and it’s really effective. However, serving size has to do with it a lot too – it’s almost 40 grams per serving. When you use a mixer for your protein shake Gaspari Myofusion gets a bit “foamy”. But other than that it’s perfect. It tastes extremely good even with water.

    Check Price: Gaspari Myofusion

    Gaspari Myofusion is not a pure whey protein, it’s a blend of proteins and it has some isolate in it too. This mix is great for gaining lean muscle.  Price too is a bit high (but cheaper than Gold Standard).

    3) Dymatize Elite (Whey Protein Isolate)

     Dymataze Elite Whey Protein

    This is awesome protein powder for its price. When you buy in bulk it’s get even cheaper! It is a fantastic choice for those who want to shed fat and build muscle at the same time. It has zero sugar in a serving!  Good amount of protein isolate too (24g out of 31g serving). Comes with enzyme blend as well, and absorption is very fast and effortless. Taste is nice, nothing exceptional (however Café Mocha is great!), but it doesn’t get annoying after a while, so it’s all good.

    Check Price: Dymatize Elite Whey Protein

    If your budget is limited, but you want best possible gains – this would be the best choice, period.

    4) MHP Probolic-SR

     MHP Probolic-SR

    This is quite a unique protein powder. First of all, it has fantastic taste. Perhaps it’s a tie with Gaspari Myofusion. Some prefer this one, some not. Secondly, it has an awesome mix of different proteins (a lot of casein too), which allows us to benefit from its long lasting anabolic effects. Which last up to 12 hours as the company claims. We can definitely say, that it doesn’t “burn out” as fast as isolate – in few hours, leaving you hungry again. It should be taken an hour or hour and a half before going to sleep.

    Check Price: MHP Probolic-SR

    It is pricey and the size of the container is 1.8kg instead of standard 2.27kg… but it helps with building muscle nicely. Proven and tested. And it also has a mix of vitamins and minerals in it.

    5) MyProtein Total Protein

     Myprotein Total Protein

    This is the “most affordable” protein powder on our list, and it’s a well-balanced mix with a solid taste. It is a bit bland when mixed with water, but not bad.  It also has a bit bigger container (actually it’s a bag) – 2.5kg instead of 2.27. So you have even more protein for your money. When you buy it in bulk (5kg bags), it gets really cheap. We advise you to try smaller container first, because the taste might be annoying after some time.

    Check Price: MyProtein

    Despite being cheap, it works pretty well, because it has a mix of 3 key proteins – milk concentrate, egg whites and isolate. If you don’t care about the taste much, it would be a good choice.

    Here is a tip for beginners – when you buy any protein powders, go for chocolate taste (and its variations) and avoid tastes like banana, strawberry, vanilla, because these are the ones that are getting “worse” with each serving you consume.

    We hope you liked the advice above. Those proteins are tested personally, and of course our opinion was also based on thousands of customer reviews. So you can be sure – those protein powders will be beneficial for your progress, no matter which one you have chosen.