Is my over training causing me not to gain? im gaining weight, for my bulk yes. And I do actually lift more then most people that come in to my gym.
Is my over training causing me not to gain? title said you aren't gaining and you are asking for help. now you say you lift heavy and you are gaining mass. so whats the question then?
Is my over training causing me not to gain? Mrricco, seriously... you aren't doing your reps even close to failure... Are you? 30 sets of 8 tells me you are watching your grandma's workout videos. Do like 5 sets of 8 for a couple exercises per muscle, and make sure that 8th rep is hard to complete.
Is my over training causing me not to gain? Dude, seriously, I already quoted the important part. 3x8 is a good set/rep scheme. Your lifting frequency isn't obscene and your split is fine. All you have to do is start only doing 1 or 2 exercises for each body part and you'll start gaining. This is not hard.
Is my over training causing me not to gain? Then cut back volume a bit and focus on the exercises that really matter.