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  • New Year's Resolutions?

    Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Remarkabull22, Jan 1, 2016.

    1. Remarkabull22

      Remarkabull22 Active Member

      Dec 2015
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      Curious as to what your resolutions are?

      For me, I just want to be less lazy. That's vague, but I always tell myself I'm going to get a lot done after work or the gym or something then I slack off and do nothing. I'd like to not make that happen as often.

      Or sometimes I'll give in and get fast food after a work out, or skip a workout together.

      Going to try and get more done and just stay more efficient.

      How about you?
    2. Sonjiska

      Sonjiska Member

      Dec 2015
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      I like your resolutions very much because they're very similar to mine. I also I'm hoping to be less lazy and be more efficient because I am an excellent student but I have troubles also with my work out or something like that and I never been to do anything and just slack off. Wish you best in this year, hope you'll make it that way!
    3. 111kg

      111kg Member

      May 2016
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      At this point of my life, my goal is to reach 85 kilograms. My weight is absurdly high (118 kg), therefore I have to lose weight immediately to achieve my goal. The thing is I have other problems in my life right now that barely leave me other time for gym.
    4. divinemaredi

      divinemaredi Member

      May 2016
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      Very true Sonjiska, I also have a problem if being nonproductive due to my lazy attitude, so I would also like to work on that.
      I sometimes used to use quotes to motivate myself to get busy, well....They work (sometimes) but I found that keeping healthy with efficient training and a balanced diet helps me to be productive with other aspects of my life.

      So hopefully I'll start to implement more of that during the course of this year...
    5. divinemaredi

      divinemaredi Member

      May 2016
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      Also, maybe to look like this:
    6. gmckee1985

      gmckee1985 New Member

      Jan 2015
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      I'm not really big on New Year's resolutions. I find that they're usually pipe dreams and most people don't seem to stick with them for even more than one or two days at the most. However, I did make a commitment to work out more this year, and I have done so. Usually go to the gym at least 4 days per week. I think if you have to make a New Year's resolution in order to try and make a change to your life, you're probably not very committed to making changes.
    7. amelia88

      amelia88 Member

      May 2016
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      My main new years resolution (and a big part of why I am here) is that I wanted to get back in shape. I have a 1 year old daughter and I let fitness really take a back seat in that first year of her life. I was quite fit before I had her, so I want this to be my "no excuses" year to really work on getting back in shape. I find that working out not only makes me look better, but it's such a wonderful stress release and I think that honestly helps me in being a better mom too - so it's a win-win situation!

      I also want to try and travel more - it's a lot harder these days with a child, but I love seeing the world and hopefully I can instill that passion for traveling to my child! :)
    8. roseinflorence

      roseinflorence Member

      May 2016
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      Sigh. One of my best friends and I made a new year's resolution to get Korean boyfriends this year. We're into k-pop artists so we decided it'd be a good idea to find a Korean lover, but we have been unsuccessful thus far. I haven't met a single Korean boy in forever and I'm sure she hasn't either. Perhaps we should go out more, but all she does is work and when I have time to go out she doesn't. I hope we will try to go man hunting this summer, but right now I'm pretty happy with this one guy I met a few months ago. He's not Korean, but he is nice to me and it was easy to become close to him. Unfortunately, he is nine years older than me so perhaps things might not work out and I'm afraid of telling anyone about him because of the age difference. However, I'm determined to enjoy the relationship while it lasts which will hopefully be for a long time because I really am happy with him.

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