been makin all kindz of gains on this beastdrol, and im looking for a nice cut at the end by throwin in sum clen, im hearin peopel say dont do it in PCT but i do what the **** i wanna do, still not a good idea?
Adding Clen to PCT? everyone is gonna say dont do it, your gonna do what the **** you want anyway, why even ask?
Adding Clen to PCT? Pathetic idea IMO...PCT is for recovering not for cutting or trying to get more out of your run. But do so, then we shall see you whining about how you lost all your gains on pct...
Adding Clen to PCT? This guy had red rep for a reason lol...I don't recall reading anything from him to get him out of that color...anyhow I am not in the mood for negging him at the moment...but yeah, he always does posts like this anyway...
Adding Clen to PCT? he does what the **** he wants to do.....its not about taking fat burners, its about keeping your gains and not to mention jumping into a cut isnt the smartest idea anyway
Adding Clen to PCT? precisely , if he was any smart he would do a normal deloaded PCT with leisure or no cardio. Over Maint kCalories and a proper dosing scheme of his PCT ingredients. But then again, this is the guy who is just crazy about adding inches to his arms lol...which can not be done without proper training and a kCalorie surplus !
Adding Clen to PCT? Hahahahahahaha please!! do so!! add T3 + ALBUTEROL! And please come back and let us know how you did !