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  • Apology / Karma....Life !

    Discussion in 'General Chat' started by crormaSoila18, May 5, 2012.

    1. jailynn24hb

      jailynn24hb Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Apology / Karma....Life !

      Yes, I have. It took my mother and most of my family 9 years before they started talking to me again, came crawling back and apologised. So My son was 9 years old before he saw his grandmother
    2. parnassto

      parnassto Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Apology / Karma....Life !

      Yep, and 5 years on I am still waiting for an apology. It's a long and dull story but basically it went the same as yours only I had two trouble-makers; one was an recent ex-gf the other was a creepy guy who'd come from nowhere and slotted in to our group. Both of these folk were sociopaths, I can see it now. We were a tight group and most of us had known each other for 15+ years, I guess maybe we needed new blood in the gang but my gf eventually split from me (citing her daughter being upset about me).
      I didn't see too much of my mates for a few weekends running, the phone was rarely being pucked up, then one night it was meant to be my house-warming party.. only 3 turned up. I made the one guy, my oldest mate there, tell me wtf was going on. Basically the ex had told them all that I was making her life miserable, she didn't want them hassling me about it (meaning, they weren't allowed to discuss this with me because i'd hurt her more, she implied). She was a fun girl and knew a few party organisers and trance-type DJs, so my core friends sided with her anyway - she was just more fun. I found out where all my friends were that night, miles away, and challenged her. But all it did was it gave her ammo. I told my mates they'd been duped, that I was totally fvcked off they actually believed a newbie over me, the guy they new inside-out. Great mates.

      After this that other guy I mentioned started gossiping, he made me look even worse. I was getting vile looks from people/friends but yet again they'd 'promised' not to tell tales (despite spreading this guys BS lies), so I really had to drag it out of folk as to wtf was being said. All I usually got in reply was, "you're just paranoid". Great help!

      I spiralled out of control in the end, so angry with these cnuts I'd known but getting depressed badly too - all my support, except my few family left alive, was melting away. I had no one to turn to really. Contact with them now is minuscule. I only have two friends left from that crowd, and one of them has dumped the crew and rarely talks to me these days.

      People are sh!t. I have thought some terrible thoughts about retribution, but it can wait until the collapse of civilization - they won't be missed then.

      Oh, and to add, my one last friend from that group has told me they know what really was going on. They just ostracised me for so long they didn't know what to do in the end. So kept quiet. So I still have no apology, and no mates.
      I moved away, I couldn't handle the rejection and the slandering. I wanted to murder two people. Still do.
    3. remstation

      remstation Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Apology / Karma....Life !

      Last edited by Ironclad; Today at 06:51 PM.
    4. parnassto

      parnassto Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Apology / Karma....Life !

      9 years !! well your mother missed out BIGTIME.....
    5. Canellesao

      Canellesao Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Apology / Karma....Life !

      @ Ironclad...ur story has reminents of mine pal, basically a tight knit city centre community with my m8s running the " in " bars and clothes shops....basically this guy that i introduced to them charmed the pants of them..he had been in New York for 10 years working with all the celebs ets and they just fell for it....i got told things like " do u realise everyone in town thinks u are a liar and and a cheat?
      and this was MY M8S !! anyway its all came back on them now...............urs sounds similair but worse pal ...
    6. unyende

      unyende Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Apology / Karma....Life !

      Yeah she did. My youngest son was only a year old so at least she didn't miss out too much there. Youngest remembers her fondly (she died a couple of years back) but my eldest (now 15) still refers to her as "your mother".

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