Delete my account and ban me from this shytty fckin site. You bunch of clicky wannkers. You diik ride each other like it's going out of fashion. Seriously, I'm unemployed with not a lot going on right now but still there's guys on here daily who post the same trash and act like they're mates with guys they don't even know. This site suks so bad. Too many faggots on here sukin each other's cok. Lying to people who post up pictures of themselves making out they look good. YOU LOOK LIKE DOOG SHYT LOL. And that Spike guy, Jeeeez that fckin acne ridden deformed lat lookin cuunt. uchhh change your avatar fella you look like trash, well not that bad but pretty shyte. Fck it's like you guys can't function properly without your gear. Fcking helll yet most of you look terrible, like a fckin car wreck. How many of you pussies bang on about your missus all day day on here like this is fckin Oprah or summin FFS. Then you've got cuunts here saying JUST MAN UP. Practice what you preach you fckin neeks. Too much fcukery on this piece of shyt site. You have to have virtually no life to want to come here. Fortuantely for me times a changing so fuk ya. And what the deal with Breda? He like the token brederen on this site or summin? He a straight u house negro, and you white guys be be liking his post cos you feel obliged to be that little bit more leaniant to tha black man. YOU SOFT FCUKS. MAL YOU MY BOY! DAI JONES YOU MY BOI! Emeritus YOU MY BOI. that MMA guy forgot his name YOU MY BOI! A few others too, that I have spoken to/ PM'd. You cool. This place is dirty, too anglosesed for my liking, has an underlying arrogance about it like the english rugby team Farewell fcukers PS FUUK THAT PIECE OF SHYT FRANK DANGER MAUS. TALKS TOO FUUCKIN MUCH. SUCH AN ARROGANT CUUNT.
Delete my account NOW MODS FCUK THIS LAME BRAIN SITE. Last edited by Readyandwaiting; Today at 10:05 AM.
Delete my account NOW MODS FCUK THIS LAME BRAIN SITE. Why draw attention to yourself, just "forget" your password.
Delete my account NOW MODS FCUK THIS LAME BRAIN SITE. If you don't like the site don't come here - you shouldn't need to be banned