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  • Do i have to join a gym to get fit?

    Discussion in 'Training' started by Tom White @gymtoto, Nov 5, 2016.

    1. Tom White @gymtoto

      Tom White @gymtoto Moderator

      Sep 2016
      Likes Received:
      There are many reasons why it is not possible for you to join a gym but the simple answer to this is you do not have to join a gym to get fit!

      As a Personal Trainer i hear many reasons why people dont want to go to the gym ranging from lack of confidence to not having time.

      But here is the good news. You can have a very effective workout in the comfort of your own home! Your options are limitless. You have alot of equipment ready to hand that you can devise a circuit workout to that will get you fit in no time.

      I will devise a quick workout you can do 3x a week to get you going.
      I would advise getting a qualified and REPs registered Personal Trainer to come to your home as many Personal Trainers do home programmes.

      Here is a sample workout to get you going.

      On steps
      Run 4 steps up walk down repeat 5 min.

      5x pressups with 1 burpee between press up.

      Bodyweight squats 10
      Rest 1 min

      5x pressups with 1 burpee between press up
      Rest 1 min
      Hold food can each hand 1 bicep curl 1 star jump do 10

      On steps
      Run 4 steps up walk down repeat 5 min.

      Stretch and cool down

      This simple workout should take about 20 min. Try it 3x a week and as you get fitter try completing in shorter time with shorter rests.

      A good idea also with your home training is to once a week go swimming then the week after go and do a fitness class and maybe get a friend to exercise in the park with you too. By doing something that gets you out doing another type of exercise will keep it enjoyable for you.
      Remember some exercise is better than non!
      Good luck.

      Any questions please ask.
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    2. admin

      admin Administrator

      Dec 2012
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      Excellent advice and a great training program there! Many people do not feel comfortable going to the gym but the fitness boost your home plan would give them should give them the confidence to try a gym further down the line.

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