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  • extracellular water retention from creatine mono

    Discussion in 'Training' started by jailynn24hb, Aug 18, 2012.

    1. jailynn24hb

      jailynn24hb Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      whenever i take creatine i always seem to bloat, there is a noticable loss of definition, and my arms just seem flabbier(yet still overall much larger).i've come to the conclusion that this is due to my gnc creatine product not beign totally absorbed by my body and that some of it is stored extracellularly rather than intracellularly. no, this is not due to "eating excessively" as this occurs relatively soon after consuming creatine, and last time i stopped using it(while bulking) i regained tons of definition in the course of several weeks although i was definitely gaining fat at the time. i drink 1-2.5 gallons of water in a typical day. also this is not in my head because this has been noticed by my friends without me even mentioning it to them. i don't know very much about supplements, so i want to know which cheap creatine'esque product i could by that has a very high absorption rate? and i'm sadly limited to not buying online and buying at gnc in store due to a lack of support from my family. and if i'm already bloated from creatine consumption, would the extracellularly stored amounts of creatine be excreted naturally while i take a creatine with a higher absorption rate or when i just lower the dosage of monohydrate to 2-3 grams per day?

      edit: no pics because i dont have any 'before' ones lol
    2. Raleoxilevz

      Raleoxilevz Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      extracellular water retention from creatine mono

      Last edited by domenic1995; Today at 04:41 AM.
    3. Musclemetal

      Musclemetal Well-Known Member

      Jun 2011
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      extracellular water retention from creatine mono

      Were you using plain creatine monohydrate or micronized creatine? Apparantly micronized creatine is better absorbed and causes less bloating.
      I've been using micronized creating on and off this year, and while i've been on it, i believe i had some bloating in my face, my jaw was not as defined..
      I am pretty sure this was due to the creatine, or maybe due to the fact that i was possibly at a higher bf% - I was eating at a slight deficit during my 2 week exam period (had to stop lifting because of exams), and now my face looks really lean, and i have more definition - maybe i lowered my bodyfat..
      I have been of it for a 5 weeks now, i'm still bulking, but i have better definition in my face/jaw and the rest of my body.
    4. herunder88

      herunder88 Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      extracellular water retention from creatine mono

      i'm using standard mono (blueberry flavor) because it's alot cheaper and i dont have that much money to spare since i'm still looking for a job, and my entire body bloats, i lost all vascularity in my arms and any veins that were visible just dissapeared. myface was terrible last night though and today it's still a bit bloated, so i guess its just because im taking normal. what micronized creatine do you recommend? i think i'll have to buy a gnc variant which sucks though :/
    5. Marky

      Marky Well-Known Member

      Dec 2011
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      extracellular water retention from creatine mono

      I'm not sure but I highly doubt that...
    6. Canellesao

      Canellesao Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      extracellular water retention from creatine mono

      Honestly man, any Micronized creatine will do. I used Optimum Nutrition's micronized creapure creatine. Apparently it's the best you can get. Its pretty good i guess, It can't imagine it bloats like plain creatine monohydrate. My vascularity always comes and goes. Some days my veins pop out like crazy, other days i look in the mirror and see absolutly no veins. I don't think creatine has much to do with it.

      I find that on the days i drink more water than usual, my bloating isn't as bad (when on creatine) There are so many variables that can contribute to bloating though.
    7. laxgoaliesrhs

      laxgoaliesrhs Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      extracellular water retention from creatine mono

      i understand why you do. but what i don't get is why so many people doubt it if it's reported many times to have happened. maybe scientifically it's impossible to bloat if a creatine product worked perfectly, but in the case that one isnt perfect then results would deviate, right?
    8. defelqy

      defelqy Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      extracellular water retention from creatine mono

      thanks man, i'll definitely check it out. but maybe your vascularity has to do more with when your muscles are hot/cold? aside from being larger, after workouts my veins are a million times more profound
    9. remstation

      remstation Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      extracellular water retention from creatine mono

      I think you may be right. I just looked at my arms and all my vains are out, and i'm feeling abit overheated.
      My vains also always come out at night haha
    10. defelqy

      defelqy Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      extracellular water retention from creatine mono

      me too, can't wait to get that huge bicep vain though, for some reason i haven't got it yet(genetics?), but my forearm veins are giant at night on workout days lol

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