What's the nicest way a guy has ever turned you down? This girl facebook messaged me for the third time after I ignored the first two and I need her to get the picture. Also I see this girl at least once a week so minimal awkwardness.
Female misc help please I'm not one for niceness, but I do like the whole "making myself not look like a complete arsehole so they can't tell people how horrible I am" thing. Here's what you do: 1. Make up a girlfriend or girl you're seeing. 2. Make up a drama. 3. Confide in UnwantedGirl how much pain you're going through. 4. "Thanks UnwantedGirl, I knew I could come to you for somethign like this.. youre really like a big sister to me". Sit back as she cries into a pint of Ben & Jerry's mixed with Jack Daniels.
Female misc help please That sounds like a lot of work but I like that you're thinking outside the box.
Female misc help please Lot of work my ass. It's one facebook conversation. you: Hey, can I ask you for some advice? UnwantedGirl: sure! you: this girl I'm seeing, I really like her but she's constantly blowing me off.. I don't get it, I really want to get to know her better and be with her.. I don't really know what I'm doing wrong but I feel like her standards are too high.. I was thinking of taking her out for dinner tonight. .. Do you think flowers or chocolate is better? UnwantedGirl: *trying to type in between frantic sobs* uhuhuh..I think flowers. you: GEEZ THANKS, YOURE SO WONDERFUL, YOURE JUST LIKE A BIG SISTER TO ME, I LOVE HOW I CAN TALK TO YOU ABOUT ANYTHING!!!