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  • Getting Sick Every Two Weeks - wtf

    Discussion in 'Diet & Nutrition' started by jailynn24hb, Apr 24, 2012.

    1. masoven4u

      masoven4u Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Getting Sick Every Two Weeks - wtf

      well a couple things jump out at me....

      1. you workout 1.5 hours very intensetly every day? That sounds like overdoing it to me for sure
      2. stress- this may be the number 1 reason. I am in a high high stress job also and if I don't control I get sick...and stay sick. You have to control stress for your long and short term health. I would not overlook this...stress has a serious and very real impact on the body physically.
      3. low test- you mention you have low test...how low? and is it being treated? I mean to you legit real low test and you are just trying to treat with some bogus over the counter test booster that is probably doing nothing.

      High stress+ low test+ overtraining= your going to get run down and get sick

      your diet could certainly be another factor as you didn't mention a lot other than eating 5000 calories a day but I'd put my money on those 3 issues above as your primary reasons.
    2. masoven4u

      masoven4u Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Getting Sick Every Two Weeks - wtf

      I have "normal test for a 50 year old, so that's normal," exact doctor's words. Thanks for the input. How do you control your stress?
    3. masoven4u

      masoven4u Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Getting Sick Every Two Weeks - wtf

      There are many ways, with efficiency varying from individual to individual. The gym is one of the most effective mechanisms for many, but perhaps not for you. Meditation can help for some. Also, working less and simply getting out and enjoying life might do you wonders.
    4. crormaSoila18

      crormaSoila18 Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Getting Sick Every Two Weeks - wtf

      the diet is important for sure for long and short term health but honestly there are weeks where 30 out of my 42 meals for the week are protein powder based and much of my micronutrients are from powdered greens drinks etc. etc. I never get sick until stress gets in the picture.

      Focus on your diet absolutely but I'd bet the majority of this is from your stress level. In 100% sedentary individual stress can damage the body physically long and short term when you add to it pushing your body to the limits in the gym it is a recipe for getting sick.

      so yeah diet focus on in, get you macro and micronutrients but you have to cut down the stress. You are going to get sick a lot of your "normal" stress level is "generally through the roof".
    5. parnassto

      parnassto Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Getting Sick Every Two Weeks - wtf

      how to control stress is the million dollar question my man. I am VERY high string. I am a "what if" thinker. As in if something just tiny negative happens with my job I snowball it in my head to the point of turning it into some huge disaster that I dwell on. It something I have had to work on for years and it is a habit type of thing. If you live your entire life getting stressed and stressed adn overthinking and letting it take over your mind it doesn't just go away at teh snap of your fingers.

      For me religious believes help. I don't want to get into a huge debate her if you are not into that no harm no foul you can use things like meditation but it is all about changing your mindset. STRESS WILL RUIN YOU. And you have to get your mind right. For me it was talking to a christian psychologist and doing a ton of reading like "be anxious for nothing" and "manage your emotions:instead of your emotions managing you". Both by joyce meyer. Again thos are 100% Christian/God based so if that is not your thing I'm not looking for an arguement over the existance of God...there are other means you can work through that is just what I did.

      It's been a 10 year struggle for me and I'm finally to the point I can truly manage stress and not get on a downward spiral where I stress so bad I can't function, can't workout, and get sick.

      I've gone through times where I haven't worked out for weeks, ate like crap, terribly malnourshed and have not gotten sick...however when I get stressed out of hand BOOM...I get sick like nothing...even when my diet is spot on.

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