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  • Importing steroids, hand luggage or case?

    Discussion in 'Anabolic Zone' started by crormaSoila18, Jul 18, 2012.

    1. suighja

      suighja Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Importing steroids, hand luggage or case?

      3 months supply can be anything! A 3 month supply of test e for aus would be a 5 year supply for most. Customs have no idea on how much of what compound is a normal dose. You could write down a 3 month cycle of test e at 4g ew, dbol at 150mg ed, tren 1g ew and winny at 300mg per day. Just write the cycle down on a piece of paper and keep the products in the original pharmacey bag with the recipt and don't try to hide it. You will be fine and they won't give a ****. And while you are there you would be silly to not post a few dozen packages by mail. Post them as "gift" and hide them in DVD cases, whatever you want. At mostvitcwill be confiscated if they somehow manage to clock your parcel as sus.
    2. Korporalegq

      Korporalegq Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Importing steroids, hand luggage or case?

      No offence but they're not st*did. Even if you say that,if they believe its excessive amount you'll have it all confiscated. An excel spreadsheet off you won't make the difference.

      Also,I don't use makeup(unless its a Saturday), but I end up carrying half my missus make up when wr only take hand luggage,so doesnt make a difference if your mate is 55kg or not,its on his person therefore its his stuff
    3. Raleoxilevz

      Raleoxilevz Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Importing steroids, hand luggage or case?

      id love to but im coming home because ive run out of money! ive got a bit left over to buy Ray-Bans and a fake student card (since i want to still go to student nights even though i graduated this may)

      its crazy here you can literally buy anything in Bangkok.... fake university degree anyone?

      You can buy police warrent cards aswell but im sure you would get locked up if your caught with that!
    4. herunder88

      herunder88 Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Importing steroids, hand luggage or case?

      Just put them in your case and you'll be fine. Just add them to all your aftershave and bits like that.
    5. scooby

      scooby Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Importing steroids, hand luggage or case?

      You think? Most experienced customs officers will know what they're looking at....

      WTF is with the 3 month supply thing? The law says personal use only. There is talk of a 'guideline' that it's 3 months. There is no such guideline. If the officer believes you re importing it to sell, it will be seized, doesn't matter if you regularly take high doses. Bear in mind, if you are a skinny runt with massive doses, they are not going to believe you

      Marking something as a 'gift' does not absolve you from import taxes.

      I'd put it in hold luggage, tbh. Hand luggage is checked by security repeatedly, and they DON'T know what is and isn't allowed, they get overexcited about a bike light FFS, so they're more likely to give you grief than Customs...

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