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  • Is it ok to have your heels on 2.5lb plates when squatting?

    Discussion in 'Training' started by remstation, Oct 9, 2012.

    1. parnassto

      parnassto Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Is it ok to have your heels on 2.5lb plates when squatting?

      Alright thanks guys. I might just get a few sessions with a personal trainer so he can make sure my form and everything is fine. I'll try some stretching too. If i still have issues then i'll invest in some shoes for squats found some decent looking ones online for $80-$90.
    2. baletki

      baletki Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Is it ok to have your heels on 2.5lb plates when squatting?

      That was my point. If plates elevating your heels damages your knees, then why don't oly shoes?

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