Only. Flat bench press, squats, deadlift, military press , **<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< If someone only did those 4 exercises , Did them 5 days a week,, and RECOVERED in time, would they get build big muscle and strength? On some days heavy weight low reps and sone days low weight high rep. I believe the person Would get a good body,
Only. Flat bench press, squats, deadlift, military press , **<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This is basically the Mad Cow routine, check it out on google. You can gain a lot of size, strength from this routine. You do one day on one day off etc.
Only. Flat bench press, squats, deadlift, military press , **<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Umm no that's not like Madcows.
Only. Flat bench press, squats, deadlift, military press , **<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< IT absolutely is except he left out barbell rows. and one day on one off etc
Only. Flat bench press, squats, deadlift, military press , **<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< You won't recover from doing all those exercise 5 days a week at the proper intensity.
Only. Flat bench press, squats, deadlift, military press , **<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< lol so it's not like Madcows. He didn't even mention sets, reps, or progression scheme. Pretty important information to have before you go comparing it to Madcows or something else.
Only. Flat bench press, squats, deadlift, military press , **<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< That's why I added in the basically like madcows. Same lifts but not all in the same day, with progression etc thats why i told him to google madcows and go from there if he is interested in doing only these lifts.
Only. Flat bench press, squats, deadlift, military press , **<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< the trolling is getting worse and worse.