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  • P!ssed Off!!!!

    Discussion in 'General Chat' started by defelqy, Sep 16, 2012.

    1. defelqy

      defelqy Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Am i in the wrong!?

      Few months back me and the GF broke it off, arguments all the time about stupid stuff, always a bad vibe we couldn’t shake away mostly down to the fact she still spoke to her ex and i don’t like that at all...they broke up after 5 years and when i met her she was like 3 months single.

      Anyway as i said we stopped speaking, texting, she brought me my things down we had a cry talk whatever you wana call it..

      3 months past by and we spoke on and off but not a great deal, missed her like mad but was never going to let her that, just needed to be alone and do my own thing.

      I went to Spain last month and new she was goin to the same part near or around the same time and i wondered if i would see her, but never thought much of it at all....Spain is a big place lol

      Touch down in Palma Airport and walking trough, 1st person i see waiting to board the jet i had just got off, my ex.

      I walked over and tapped her on the shoulder, she seemed so shocked, her eyes near popped out of her head, we said a few words i gave her a hug and that was that.....felt sick I had seen her and she was on my mind for the next few days i was on away.

      I was only away for 10 days and due to fly back home on a Sunday, on Thursday she text me saying she was coming back over to Spain with her mum and dad for the weekend so she might bump in to me and was just texting to tell me, because apparently it would of been awkward just to bump in to one another again, i just replied back oh ok, was dying to ask to meet up but i never and she never mentioned it.

      Sure enough Saturday night I was a lil drunk with my cousin and my phone went, text off her saying she was in a club talking to my sister with her mum and dad, i was drunk and just thought fcuk it, headed straight for that club, seen her and we hugged then that was it we went off and left everyone and drank around Spain no mention of why we broke up just had a laugh, never went for a kiss once or anything like, about 5am i was rotten and so was she and we ended up on her boat kissing and whatever else.

      Anyway this story is dragging but i have been seeing her since we have been back from spain, not with one another but meeting up once or twice a week...everything was going cool until Last Sunday....

      My sisters mate used to go out with her ex years back and when i was with her i new my sisters mate was back meeting him again (not something you say to your GF is it and its irrelevant) anyway my ex went for a drink with my sister and this girl and they all go drunk and she must of mentioned she had been seeing him now she never new I already new that.

      Sunday morn after she had been out she was quizzin me about my sisters mate, what’s her last name what’s she like, i new exactly why she was asking but never answered, bit my tongue and said she was ok, we went for a meal Thursday gone and during it she started quizzing me again asking what’s her last name was and what was she like, i asked why and she said oh no reason....never mentioned it again but it annoyed me!

      So the next day i text and asked her again WHY are you asking me....she replied oh she knows my ex so i was just asking about her, i was fumin then and she just told me of f off....not spoken to her all weekend....should i just cut her off totally!!

      Sorry for the long one lads
    2. Canellesao

      Canellesao Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      P!ssed Off!!!!

      Things have gone toxic mate - cut your losses IMO.

      When you were in Spain you should've embraced the single life and got over her.

      If she wants her ex let her ave him, sounds to me like he broke it off with her and she aint let go.

      Sounds to me like shes the type of girl that if you dont give her any attention she'll want you more.
    3. Korporalegq

      Korporalegq Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      P!ssed Off!!!!

      I bet you're not half as p1ssed off as what I am for having to read through all of that

      Cut all ties with her, leave it at that
    4. jailynn24hb

      jailynn24hb Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      P!ssed Off!!!!

      500mg test aweek, 12weeks

      EDIT: I wrote this reply before it was moved from the steriod section lol
    5. baletki

      baletki Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      P!ssed Off!!!!

      She binned him off because he was cheating
    6. jailynn24hb

      jailynn24hb Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      P!ssed Off!!!!

      change ur number . ive just had too... twice
    7. suighja

      suighja Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      P!ssed Off!!!!

      five year relationship mate, she's still got feelings for him-to be blunt she's using you-if i was you i'd walk away and find a bird that wants to be with you 100%.
    8. defelqy

      defelqy Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      P!ssed Off!!!!

      Bad news mate... she's obviously hung up on the ex to a certain extent and it doesn't sound like that will change, so the question is can you except that... if so give it a go, but it doesn't sound like you can (which is perfectly reasonable).

      I'd also tell her the reason why you can't be together. Might make her realise she needs to change.
    9. suighja

      suighja Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      P!ssed Off!!!!

      When she asks details about your sisters mate again, tell her she was awesome in bed and sack her off altogether. IMO shes still hung up on the ex so leave her to it
    10. suighja

      suighja Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      P!ssed Off!!!!

      Id bet if her ex asked her back she would go,she's stalking him,she wants to see if he has moved on,and she prob still feels for him.Best of luck m8,if it nwas me id be gone.more fish in the sea

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