Reading around and found this, wondering if you guys believe if this is accurate or just some crazy internet bullS**t Week Testosterone Anavar Winstrol HGH Insulin 1 2000mgs/week 200mgs/day 100mgs/day 12 IUs/day 10 IUs/day 2 2000mgs/week 200mgs/day 100mgs/day 12 IUs/day 10 IUs/day 3 2000mgs/week 200mgs/day 100mgs/day 12 IUs/day 10 IUs/day 4 2000mgs/week 200mgs/day 100mgs/day 12 IUs/day 10 IUs/day 5 2000mgs/week 200mgs/day 100mgs/day 12 IUs/day 10 IUs/day 6 2000mgs/week 200mgs/day 100mgs/day 12 IUs/day 10 IUs/day 7 2000mgs/week 200mgs/day 100mgs/day 12 IUs/day 10 IUs/day 8 2000mgs/week 200mgs/day 100mgs/day 12 IUs/day 10 IUs/day 9 2000mgs/week 200mgs/day 100mgs/day 12 IUs/day 10 IUs/day 10 2000mgs/week 200mgs/day 100mgs/day 12 IUs/day 10 IUs/day 11 2000mgs/week 200mgs/day 100mgs/day 12 IUs/day 10 IUs/day 12 2000mgs/week 200mgs/day 100mgs/day 12 IUs/day 10 IUs/day
Phil Heath "proposed" cycle unless you know it comes from the man himself, this IMO goes in the same pile as all the other pro BBer cycles people claim to know
Phil Heath "proposed" cycle i used to know him and train with him, but he was outraged by my crazy cycles and felt he could no longer spot my weights in the gym so he backed down .. not sure what he is doing nowadays.. probably still a weak bum !!!
Phil Heath "proposed" cycle haha! I believe the HGH and Slin but the rest, I find it hard to believe...
Phil Heath "proposed" cycle really , i dont see why a pro would use anavar and winny together in them doses !!!