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  • Related to self image- body scars

    Discussion in 'Over Age 35' started by vijugati8g, Feb 23, 2012.

    1. Canellesao

      Canellesao Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Related to self image- body scars

    2. herunder88

      herunder88 Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Related to self image- body scars

      Damn bro....If I were you, I'd be sleeping with a horse shoe, a few four-leafed clovers and a lucky rabbit's foot under my pillow.

      I only have a few scars. One on my leg from a stab wound (I was fighting with my brother and he stabbed me in the leg with a knife). A few on my elbow when my brother pushed me through the living room window (again, fighting). And another big one near the frontside of my hip from when I was running shirtless, tripped and did a belly slide along the asphalt.

      Luckily, I've never had to undergo any kind of surgery.
    3. defelqy

      defelqy Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Related to self image- body scars

      Got in a bar fight when I was 18 with a couple of guys, took 3 bottles in the face, lost 4 teeth and 24 stitches in the forehead and a dozen in the cheek. As time has gone on the scars have faded but I never had a problem with them when they were prominent. The nurse who stitched me up told me "Chicks dig scars". At the time, I thought she was BSing me just to make me feel better. As it turned out, she wasn't lying. Even if chicks didn't exactly dig them, they never seemed to notice them and I had no problem picking up girls.
      On the other hand, the teeth were a different story. Chicks don't dig guys who look like hillbillies and I had to get those fixed pronto.

      I also had a mate who copped a knife slash across the face. Literally ended up with a scar like Tom Beringer in Platoon. Dude was a fat, little manlet with a personality as interesting as the inside of a ping-pong ball but always rolling in chicks. I swear it was only because of that scar.

      I also have a horse shoe shaped scar on the top of my right foot and a 12 inch scar running up from the side of the ankle bone to the shin where I broke my fibula, tibula and tibia in a rugby game. They're very prominent but I have no problem wearing shorts and flip flops in the summer and don't feel self conscious about them at all.
    4. fa2nzg

      fa2nzg Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Related to self image- body scars

      Last edited by BloodySalad; Today at 02:45 AM.
    5. remstation

      remstation Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Related to self image- body scars

      Corbi wins.

      I have a bunch. Big ones. One on my face even. (that one's not too big.) I've been a daredevil in extreme sports since I was a gradeschooler. Comes with the territorty. Plus the getting hit by a truck while running thing. Seriously, I stress more over the silver fillings in my molars than I do about my scars.
    6. crormaSoila18

      crormaSoila18 Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Related to self image- body scars

      I guess I'll add in my story:
      Broke my neck from C-2 down to the Thoracic 20 years ago playing Football. I have a scar from near the top of my skull to the bottom of my upper back. It is about 1 1/2 inches wide and keloided in some areas. It doesn't bother me, but several of my students and players, when walking behind me always ask what it is. I'll fool around and say something stupid like "shark attack". Of course they are like "what"? Then, I just tell them. It's no big deal.

      Second scar is a little more stranger:
      Two years ago I had an Intrathecal Spinal pump placed in the upper glute. Basically, a pocket was dug out and a circular 4 inch pump placed in. The scar looks horrendous, but the pump looks even weirder. Then, the catheter running up my spinal canal looks damn right freaky....especially in spots where it's anchored to the spine. Thank God my wife is the only one that sees me naked now....and she thinks it's sexy Seriously, they are no big deal, and my ego isn't even slightly dented Aging is GREAT! Basically, you learn not to give a sh_t about the silly stuff
    7. Canellesao

      Canellesao Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Related to self image- body scars

      8" scar down the middle of the chest, 3x 1 inch scars across stomach area, 8" scar down left fore arm, that lot was courtesy of a quad bypass.
      Numerous smaller scars on legs, arms and a few bigger ones on my head, whenever I go bald I will look like Frankenstein.
      Don't worry about them much, I had forgotten about the head ones until typing this.
    8. suighja

      suighja Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Lost half of my left ear at 14 in a car accident. Doctors made me a new one and took some skin off my upper chest, which caused a 8 inch scar on top of my collar-bone.
    9. jailynn24hb

      jailynn24hb Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      a scar is a natural tatoo, and honestly think they look better than some that people pay for, and as this post proves they all come with a story. Ive got several that I got when I was young and really was embarrased by them then, but that was before all the tatoos and body pierceing was very popular, flawless was in. Now I am not in the least bit bothered by them cause it seems everybody is tryin to individualize themselves more with tatt's and pierceings and my scars do all that for me.
    10. casse

      casse Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Related to self image- body scars

      Scars = conversation piece. Wear them with pride. Have fun with them.

      Spring of 1987 saw us setting our gear off the coast of Florida for swordfish. We were hauling back our third set if I remember correctly and we were having a pretty decent trip. Had about three thousand pounds in the hole for the first two sets and the third looked promising as well.

      Captain was bringing in a live fish and Jay, the butcher, was waiting with the gaff. He gaffed the fish cleanly and I reached over the side and stuck the meat hook in the eye socket and gained control of the fish by grabbing his bill with my left hand. Looked to be a nice fat double.

      We started hauling the fish over the side when we got broadsided by a good sized wave. The boat shook and heeled over. I lost my footing and as i started to head over the railing i let go of the fish’s bill and grabbed for the railing to keep myself from going over the side.

      I had a handle on the fish as the meat hook was still stuck in his eye and in hindsight this was a huge mistake. What happened next took only a split second, but seemed like an eternity, as i grabbed the railing the fish thrashed and caught me in the belly slashing upwards. I pushed myself away and I let go of the meat hook. I looked down only to see a huge gash in my belly.

      I grabbed my insides and hit the deck, the rest is a blur as I went into shock. Jay put out a mayday over the radio and John the skipper, an ex Viet Nam combat vet and medic tended to my wound. Lucky for me John was a universal blood donor and he set up make shift IV as I was losing a lot of blood. Doctors say he probably saved my life.

      I was airlifted of the boat and hospitalized for a few weeks as a result of infection, nasty critters those swordfish are and the injury put an abrupt end to my longlining. I try to forget about it but the scar is a constant reminder of the dangers at sea.


      have a couple more running down the side of each butt cheek. bilateral hip resurfacing

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