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  • Skinny kid looking for some insight and advice-potential?

    Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by vijugati8g, Apr 19, 2012.

    1. Canellesao

      Canellesao Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Skinny kid looking for some insight and advice-potential?

      I've spent a LOT of time trying to figure out how to gain... I dont stick to my routine as good as i should, but over the years I've been pretty consistent about my diet and getting to the gym at least twice a week, so over time my new sustainable lifestyle has definitely shown results.

      I'm not one of those 6 week transformations you may see on here, but I feel and look awesome now and it's all from a sustainable and healthy lifestyle of knowing what i eat and always doing a little more every gym visit.
    2. casse

      casse Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Skinny kid looking for some insight and advice-potential?

      wow, i've just looked through your progress pictures, and holy **** you have gained alot! you were skinnier than me when you started! That's very motivational seeing that. Hard work pays off evidently. Great transformation,you look really good

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