I always wonder which one I should do and why. Should I switch it up a lot or stick with just one? Which one? And why? Sent from my iPhone using Am.com
Standing or seated miltary press? Maybe from a powerlifting standpoint, but as far as hypertrophy goes, sitting overhead press is much better.
Standing or seated miltary press? Standing - better for overall body work Sitting - better shoulder isolation
Standing or seated miltary press? better for what? i prefer standing as i can use more musculature to support and stabilize my spine, including my glutes and hamstrings.
Standing or seated miltary press? I like switching it up from time to time (every three weeks or so). I find I progress better in my pressing strength and shoulder size that way.
Standing or seated miltary press? I always do barbell standing. When i feel my shoulder specifically need more work i do dumbbells seated as assistance.
Standing or seated miltary press? Barbell work should always be used for compound, functional lifts, not for isolation. If you want to isolate, there are better ways. Just use dumbbells.
Standing or seated miltary press? You should definitely work towards the standing being a strong lift. Mine is horrible and I have been taking the steps to make it better. I can't do much weight with the standing yet so I knock those out first and then follow that with a seated exercise with heavier weights so the delts get worked harder. The stronger standing press will carryover well with many other exercises.