right lads im on a tritest 400 and dbol course atm... just wondering about injecting if you inject into a lacking bodypart will it help with development?? sorry if stupid question currently jabbing thigh
stupid question dont flame There are differing opinions on this mate, some say yes others no.. I have heard of people using site injections and seeing results tho..
stupid question dont flame overheard a massive dude with hench cannonball shoulders at the gym talking to his mate the other day saying that the reason he's got freakish delts is that he injects into them..
stupid question dont flame Can l just add tho, l have been jabbing my ar*e for 13 yrs and that aint got any bigger !
stupid question dont flame Its the delts and traps that always show first mate no matter where you jab.
stupid question dont flame i just feel when im training chest, my front delts/triceps/arms are doing more work... like i havent got a small chest but feel its lacking and considerign jabbing it if it would help with size... wud jus like some imput if it wont help im happy to keep doing legs id have to use orange to jab pecs tho right?