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  • Trying a vegan (or more vegetarian at least) diet

    Discussion in 'Diet & Nutrition' started by Canellesao, Aug 2, 2012.

    1. masoven4u

      masoven4u Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Trying a vegan (or more vegetarian at least) diet

      One area you really can't afford to go vegan is fish oil. Lots of vegan/veggie foods and supplements are advertised as being "Omega 3 Rich" or sometimes "More Omega 3 than Salmon!", but they neglect to mention that they don't have any DHA or EPA, which are the fatty acids that you actually need. If it makes you feel any better, fish oil is pretty environmentally friendly. It's generally crushed out of bits of fish that would otherwise be thrown away as waste. Opposite is true of krill oil, where the krill are often harvested specifically to extract oil.

      There is also absolutely no way you will be able to hit 150g+ per day of protein at under 3000kcals without using supplements. Even the most protein rich veggie foods would require you to eat a pretty unreasonable volume (and number of calories) to hit 170g of protein.

      If you're willing to go the lacto/ovo route, it'd be pretty damn easy. Many places treat their dairy cows very well, grass fed, etc. These guys for example do a good job: http://www.stonyfield.com/ and you can buy their products all over the damn place.

      Good luck, make sure you don't turn into one of the preachy kinds of vegans. Everyone hates those :p

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