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  • Two steps forward, three steps back.

    Discussion in 'Training' started by herunder88, Mar 6, 2012.

    1. suighja

      suighja Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Two steps forward, three steps back.

      Hahhaa. Part of it is embarrassment. Most the guys walking around are pretty serious. I look like an olive with a toothpick stuck through it, hogging the power rack.

      Then again, I've never seen anyone else us the rack.
    2. casse

      casse Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Two steps forward, three steps back.

      Those weights are really low; how long have you been working on progressing these lifts? How long do you allow between workouts (working the same lifts)? What sort of set structure are you using?

      The light weight, the short rest between sets with boredom setting in, and the lack of progress sound related to me. If you're bored after 45 seconds, you probably didn't put enough weight on the bar in the set you just finished. If you didn't put enough weight on the bar, you didn't give your body enough stimulus to progress.

    3. fa2nzg

      fa2nzg Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Two steps forward, three steps back.

      I've been 'screwing around' since July. Keep in mind, that's with using a 5x5 program, not much progress, and not eating jack.

      I've been on my current, more consistent route for about 2 months.
      Keep in mind I started really low. I had to work up to squatting the olympic bar.

      I do Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday.
      Alternating A/B (A squat, bench deadlift | B squat, overhead press, random exercise, often rows. will probably make it bent over rows from here out)

      My last squat looked like this:

      2 x 5 45 lbs - form check
      3 x 3 85 lbs - warm up
      3 x 5 110 lbs - work set

      I'm bored after 45 seconds between sets because I'm a spaz and can't sit still.
    4. masoven4u

      masoven4u Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Two steps forward, three steps back.

      5 sets of form check and warm up? Seems excessive. 1 set of form check is plenty. 2 warm-up sets, stepping up towards you working weight, should be ample. Then see if that working weight starts to feel lighter. If/when it does, put more weight on the bar. If you're doing it right, you're not going to feel ready for another set after just 45 seconds.

    5. jailynn24hb

      jailynn24hb Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Two steps forward, three steps back.

      2 x 5 45 lbs - form check
      3 x 3 85 lbs - warm up
      3 x 5 110 lbs - work set

      Should instead be...

      1 x 5 45lb - Form Check
      1 x 5 65lb - Warmup
      1 x 5 85lb - Warmup 2
      3 x 5 110b Workset

      Looks right?
    6. vijugati8g

      vijugati8g Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Two steps forward, three steps back.

      No it's 2 sets of 5 with the bar for form check, 2x5 not 5x2.

      Personally I do 2 sets of 5 at 50% my working weight, 1x3 at 60% and 1x2 at 80%...then my 3x5 working set.
    7. landmenn

      landmenn Well-Known Member

      Jul 2011
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      Two steps forward, three steps back.

      Yes, that's what I'm suggesting. JMO; others may disagree.

      Yeah, that sounds about right, except I usually do one somewhat longer set (8-10 reps) instead of 2 sets of 5 at the lightest weight. The 5 sets I was referencing were the 2 form check sets plus the 3 warm up sets he mentioned.

    8. Berny

      Berny Well-Known Member

      Dec 2011
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      Two steps forward, three steps back.

      Why would you do long reps for a warm when your working set is only 5 reps. You risk fatiging your muscles before your working set starts.

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