Want to train so badly, but afraid... dude, just go, everyone minds their own business at the gym. nobody will look twice at you, don't worry. Just lift.
Want to train so badly, but afraid... No one ever walked into the gym for the first time buffed as ****. Everyone starts somewhere. In the gym no one really cares everyone does their own things. No one will judge. Most will respect you for improving yourself.
Want to train so badly, but afraid... your in the gym doing the same thing they are there for. besides if anybody starts on u drop weights on their feet
Want to train so badly, but afraid... Get a friend to come with you, it will be easier. Before i entered the gym i imagined it like a place full of ripped guys who lift extremely heavy weights. After some time i realized it's the opposite of that. Get the balls, stop making excuses and start working out.
Want to train so badly, but afraid... **** it!!! Go in put iPod in and do ur own thing also gotta start somewhere and can't b scared all ur life and where a long sleeve shirt/sweat pants idk
Want to train so badly, but afraid... don't even think about people. I was skinny as phuck my rib cage was out before I started lifting
Want to train so badly, but afraid... Wow, thank you so much for your kind comments, it really motivates me! I think I'll buy a membership as soon as possible, and think to myself: "If they are laughing at me, it's their problem, not mine". Thank you guys!
Want to train so badly, but afraid... Atta boy! You sir have just chosen to better yourself and your life an conquered a fear because of it! im so proud :')