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  • whats the most weight youve lost

    Discussion in 'General Chat' started by parnassto, Apr 11, 2012.

    1. vijugati8g

      vijugati8g Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      whats the most weight youve lost

      yes. considering atm i eat on average 3k pure junk and no cardio or activity whatsoever (dont flame me i have my reasons).

      my plan is to run 600mg prop for 6 weeks .... and living for this time in a town where i know no1 and have nothing else to do, so it will be purely training, fasted cardio am, weights afternoon, 20min jog before bed. t5/clen 2on/off throughout. 1000cal max no carbs.(or dextrose preworkout)

      also just before i do this i am off on holiday for 2 weeks to the middle east, it will be scorching there and i wont be eating much unless its maccys (dont do foreign food), along with walking min 1-2 miles everyday....this should kickstart the loss?
    2. parnassto

      parnassto Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      whats the most weight youve lost

      It was rank, never again.
      Next time I cut i'll stick to just decent Clen and T3. At a push I'd take one tab of DNP a night before bed.
    3. laxgoaliesrhs

      laxgoaliesrhs Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      whats the most weight youve lost

      I'm thinking clen/T3 when I've finished the UWLS I'm using. Hiccupped with diet over easter but back on track now (apart from a couple chunks of chocolate lol).
      Kids being off has restricted gym time too but family comes firstxx
    4. fa2nzg

      fa2nzg Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      whats the most weight youve lost

      I've lost a load of weight this past week or so due to being ill and missing training.
      I'm not getting back on the scales till I've put a decent amount of food back inside me.
    5. Canellesao

      Canellesao Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      whats the most weight youve lost

      wow looking at your responses im setting the bar low lol, but id be over the moon if i reach 15% bf anything less would be a massive bonus. i reckon if i dont cheat its def do-able

      hopefully ill gain a bit of muscle also. i will post up how i get on when ive done it

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