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  • Why am I LOSING WEIGHT?????? serious problem - need help

    Discussion in 'Diet & Nutrition' started by laxgoaliesrhs, Apr 26, 2012.

    1. emininojiq

      emininojiq Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Why am I LOSING WEIGHT?????? serious problem - need help

      First off I hate to see you eat a diet that is so highly composed of protein shakes! You would do much better if you would learn to compose a diet that meets nutrient sufficiency and provides enough energy, and all done with the foods you enjoy.

      Having said all of that, you need to accurately determine your energy needs and begin there understanding that the number you use is just a datum line. After a couple of weeks adjust accordingly if needed.

      At your age and if you're active you may well need more calories than that, however time will tell. In the meantime, please start reading the stickies above and begin learning the basics of composing a proper and enjoyable diet. If it was me, I would simply EAT!!

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