Why do fat birds? OMFG but true, hey its because it gives them confidence, psychologically it covers them from view and allows them to chin up and face the world that is fat disciminative, it has become OK in the UK to discriminate against people who overeat yet unacceptable to apply that same policy to gays, those from ethnic groups, disabled etc.... or even smack heads We need to accept that being fat (and I am well qualified to comment) is not something many people choose to do, it becomes a way of life that for many is simply a way to manage daily . Most fat people didnt intend to get that way, they will and do have some underlying issues, if we all learn to address that then obesity wont be a problem.....
Why do fat birds? But the piercings get me, the younger one has chronic ecsema and just paid 20 rats to have her bottom lip done (off centre) She can't stop playing with it and it weeps infected green sh!t. And the eldest one (24) is boasting on facebook she's having her flaps done today, She needs to get her flaps sewn shut i reckon, lol
Why do fat birds? I personally dont think it looks good, but then again its their life and their body, just try cracking with your own thing, what ever that may be
Why do fat birds? Sounds more disgusting than the fat lezzer Beth Ditto or what ever they call the over weight odd ball weird rug muncher.
Why do fat birds? I just dont get the point of tattoos, dont get me wrong ive seen a few that look great, especially those 50's style ones, look great on the ladies me thinks but the people that have those ones tend to follow that style/fashion all their lives so they wont go out of fashion/style but most just follow the latest trend and like all trends they go out of fashion. Now i dunno bout you but im glad i dont have to wear chinos everyday! Ive seen girls with writing on there necks wrists feet etc and they sure are gunna look fecking shat in a couple of years time!