Winstrol tabs while dieting Red meat contains a lot of fat in it mostly, creatine levels are higher in it also and that will increase water retention. Theres a reason why fish and chicken are popular on cutting / pre contest, because they contain lots of good fats and oils that help to thin the skin and condition you. Dropping red meat totally doesnt have to be done, but focusing on leaner cuts of meat and fish would be a good road to go down.
Winstrol tabs while dieting Hotdog147 - I don't want to really mate ill prob go with the Winstrol as my supplier wants loads for Anavar. Feelin big - cheers diet will be spot on and that's what im hoping that the winny should help me retain alot of it, not expecting to keep all of it on my first cut but as much as I can
Winstrol tabs while dieting Dude, it's about calories. So long as you're in a negative energy deficit and hitting plenty of protein then red meat is absolutely fine, plus you can get plenty lean cuts of red meat.. No need to over complicate things.