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  • Your outlook as a consumer

    Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Raleoxilevz, Aug 5, 2012.

    1. Raleoxilevz

      Raleoxilevz Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      hey guys just wondering how you act as a consumer if your unhappy with service etc that you recieve from shops or garages etc ??

      do you complain and act like a jerk expecting that your the customer and your right regardless.

      or do you let things slip by and just hope you get a good job done...

      I ask as when i worked in the VW garage as a mechanic, there used to be one bloke that came in, top of the range VW and he was a big bloke well known for bieng a hard nut back in the day...

      when he dropped his car off for work or service he used to say make sure its fcukin done right and dont try fobbing me off with sh1t lol.. (exact words)

      this seemed to worry the service manager into telling us to make sure the car was serviced or repaired fcukin bang on ...

      I have been to halfords today after dropping my mountain bike off for a 6 week service and i had a gear change problem...

      i picked the bike up about half hour a go and the young lad that served me said ok sir its all sorted and should be ok.. to which i replied, well mate if i get half way up that hill tomorrow night and the gears slip cracking my b0llocks on the crossbar i will come back and ram the bike up your fcukin a$$ pmsl...

      another bloke looked a bit taken back at my comment, but the lad just said it will be spot on im sure of it but to be on safe side i will just give it another quick check ??

      now if i hadnt said anything would i have had the same service or would i just have been taking the bike back again meek and mild mannered saying "well thats not worked"

      how do you approach stuff like this
    2. Canellesao

      Canellesao Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Your outlook as a consumer

      usually walk away cool,

      Then get more and more f@&£ing wound up because i said nothing then go back and explode!
    3. parnassto

      parnassto Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Your outlook as a consumer

      I expect them to do their job without fear of threat or intimidation, if they fcuk it up then go and complain, surely this is just how a modern civilization operates?
    4. remstation

      remstation Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Your outlook as a consumer

      Never had to resort to being a pr1ck, if i've got a problem with any type of service i communicate it in a straightforward way and it always gets sorted.
    5. jailynn24hb

      jailynn24hb Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Your outlook as a consumer

      i didnt ask you to comment on my approach it was a question about how in general you approach the service your given..

      i also dont go around threatening people for a proper job , i said it as a joke but the lad obviously knew i wanted to be sure he had done the job right..
    6. jailynn24hb

      jailynn24hb Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Your outlook as a consumer

      Im worse when i lt comes to food if i ant what i asked for or its late ill kick off and try get some discount
    7. emininojiq

      emininojiq Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Your outlook as a consumer

      I am a mild mannered person however I just cannot stand bad service from any area if I am paying for it. If something doesn't work I will go and tell them straight away, no histrionics or threatening. I only take it a step further if I don't get a civil response or an attempt to rectify or discuss issue, and I don't mind how far up the ladder I go to get the result I want.

      On the whole I just want what I have paid for, which is what anyone wants isn't it?

      I sometimes wish I was a bit more forceful at times, but that's not my way...and I can always call on a few friends to help if I really really need som help.
    8. suighja

      suighja Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Your outlook as a consumer

      i didnt comment on ur approach i told u what my approach is
    9. Raleoxilevz

      Raleoxilevz Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Your outlook as a consumer

      and before you all go off thinking im awesome because i threaten people its not what i meant ... the fact that because i said something (in jest) but as he didnt know me felt he had to check the job he had done again (and re adjust might i add) it makes me wonder if its always worth a second prompt at saying are you sure its done right ...

      if you know what im saying
    10. Capone

      Capone Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Your outlook as a consumer

      and before you all go off thinking im awesome because i threaten people its not what i meant ... the fact that because i said something (in jest) but as he didnt know me felt he had to check the job he had done again (and re adjust might i add) it makes me wonder if its always worth a second prompt at saying are you sure its done right ...

      if you know what im saying

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